Tested for centuries, traditional medicine can help you resolve that delicate problem, as the strengthening and the recovery of energy in men. Simple and complex, unique, and combine a lot of ingredients for some incredible recipes for the return and the masculine strength that there is in mass. It is important to choose the most appropriate method, which not only improve the quality of intimate life, but also to strengthen health in general, and will also not evil.
The proper nutrition to the male power

In the matter of recovery of male power correct and balanced diet plays main role. To improve men power improve the quality and increase the duration of sexual intercourse, it is recommended to enrich the habitual ingestion of food products, which are in large quantity, which contain the protein. This substance is a kind of building material for the cells, and also plays a vital role in the functioning of the reproductive system of the organism.
To recover and strengthen the male power it is necessary to pay attention to the following aspects about the rules and nuances of a balanced diet:
- Products of animal origin. Meat lean varieties are part of the daily menu men of truth. The lack of a daily diet a sufficient amount of animal protein, which can affect both the potency and the state of the organism in general.
- Dairy and dairy products. To increase potency in men and to improve the quality of intimate life of the revenue folk recommend to take daily food the ideal amount of fresh milk, yogurt, and other products.
- A variety of seafood, including algae — one of the most powerful and effective aphrodisiacs. These products over the centuries famous for their properties of stimulation. But, to improve men power it is recommended to take their food exclusively cooked in any way gross.
- Vegetables, including, tomatoes, onions, carrots, turnips — all of the products also help to strengthen still more the masculine force. However, as he says folk methods, there is a kind of trick to use in food. Thus, for example, the special use have salads with fresh vegetables, put a large amount of olive oil. Eat them is needed, in the evening of day, and is at sunset.
Important! Needless to say, in the matter of increasing the power one must pay a special attention, not during meals, and the quality of the products. They should be the most natural and fresh, as well as subject to a minimum of heat treatment during the process of cooking, which allows you to keep almost full vitamin the composition. But the satiety of the organism vitamins — the important aspect to all men.
Herbal medicine
Usually, people requirements aimed to strengthen and restore male strength, based on the application of different rates of medicinal herbs. It should be noted that for the treatment of any diseases and strengthen the body you should apply the types of plants that grow in the territorial area, where a man lives. It is advisable to consider the time to select the most appropriate prescription.
In the field of alternative medicine most popular the following cure rates to improve the power and the recovery of erectile function in men:
- To prepare the tool, which has a stimulating effect on the production of hormones, thus contributing to the greatest power in men, you must mix in equal amounts of the following types of herbs: mint, normal, meadow clover, nettle, st. john's wort. Take in the form of tea, daily, in the manufacture of beer from the calculation of a small misbehaving herbal collection and half a liter of water.
- Works very well, whose efficiency is proven by centuries: red dry wine of high quality, you must mix in equal amounts with natural milk, preferably rustic. To the resulting mixture add 50 grams of the dried herb and boil for a few minutes. Received elixir to drink half a cup daily, about an hour before the main meal.
- Even in Ancient Greece, to increase the power and resolution of sexual weakness of men that apply the following means: extract of pink rhodiola, of the devil, the root of Manchurian ginseng and aralia. All the plants blend in equal amounts, pour about a litre of water and boil. After the broth has cooled, you should store it in a cool place, trust, protected from light. Take daily half a pint. For better result, you can drink a tablespoon before sexual intercourse.
- Magnificent stimulating the property comprises of a bath of rose essential oil. For the recovery of sensitivity and gain sexual arousal in men enough to breathe the fragrant pair of the extract. And to improve the erectile function in men should be mixed, literally, a few drops of natural oil, liquid honey and take immediately before sexual intercourse. The result is guaranteed.
Important! Apply any income folk, based on the receipt of stock of medicinal plants, it is only recommended when there is risk of development of allergic reactions. Despite the natural origin of the components, and the almost total, your safety, before you start the treatment is still necessary to consult a doctor.
The elixir of the moon-of-honey

Honey is one of the most effective means of driving. There are various recipes, folk, where as a principal component applies precisely this product of beekeeping. But, to get the maximum result, it is necessary to use the honey of high quality, natural, late maturity. Otherwise, the efficiency of application will be reduced to the minimum brand.
To restore and strengthen erectile function, you can use the following recipe, which is simple, but very effective.
The liquid or melted honey mix well with identical number of carefully ground walnuts. For grinding, preferably to take advantage of grinder. A mixture of leave to infuse for a few days, after consuming a spoonful of soup, at least three times per day. It can also be consumed walnut honey immediately prior to sexual intercourse. It is a tool not only has a positive effect on male strength, but sometimes increases the sexual appetite.
The tip! And honey and nuts are the strongest of allergens. When you see any negative reactions on the part of an organism in the process of treatment, you must discontinue the course.
Magical garlic
Different recipes folk recommend the reception of garlic in the food to promote the health and male power. The use of this product facilitates the metabolism, stimulates the blood circulation. The interference prevents the development of phenomena of stagnation in the pelvic region, improves erectile function.
Garlic can add and in food, but it is better to prepare the following tool. A kilo of pre-purified and fine garlic should be placed in carefully small radishes, washed the tin can of a volume of three liters. Fill the reservoir of purified water or boiled water, stir the mixture well, leave a few days for the infusion. To drink, have a teaspoon daily, regardless of meals. Duration of the course — even that is not ravaged from the bank. However, note the first results will be possible after a few days after the start of the reception.
The tip! To get a really powerful tool, you should use your preparation, a true home-garlic, cultivated internally.
Creative ways
In addition to widely used, there are originals and popular methods of recovery of male power. Those who are below, have a beneficial effect on the body, improve the immune system, protection, help speed up metabolism.
However, the sufficient cardinal of its purposes should be to refrain from people that have problems with the heart and blood vessels:
- A sudden temperature change. In this case, means not a shower of sensations, but a mixture of snow and a steam room. To purchase youth speed, you have to steam the body in Russian bath, after passing the icy pool, or, if in the courtyard of the winter, in the middle of the street, not less than five minutes. To effect amplification, you can take advantage of oak broom. This procedure improves the blood circulation, activating the flow of lymph to the genitals, but it also prevents the development of phenomena of stagnation.
- Ice trays to the feet. Must lower the legs in a container filled with water and ice cubes. When the procedure occurs a direct impact on the hot spot of the foot, which improves the blood circulation, and helps to improve erectile function.

Before you start the treatment through the application of remedies you should remember the important rule: the best result can be achieved only if the procedures will be carried out regularly. If you apply them from time to time, take breaks large, even when the condition of effectiveness of the tool, a good result will not be.